I've seen the light!
Pardon the delay, but I've had real-life, school, issues of varying degree of severity to deal with and new games to play, so NorOps has not been a priority until very recently. Just now, though, I passed my hometown of Bergen on my 'lighthouse editing trip' from Oslo to the Russian border. This is a screenshot from the editor showing the coast in all its lighthouse glory. Most likely I'll be releasing NorOps in segments, NYGM-style (as the whole project will take an eternity to finish), with the Lighthouse Mod being the first to be uploaded.
Remember, I may be working slowly, but remember that all comes to those who wait. It's a long coastline and lots of lighthouses. And a few bouys. And at least one Light Ship.
Oh, and although I'm not good at all at answering them(), thanks a lot to all who have sent me encouraging e-mails about the project. You've been driving this project on and helped me work on it by reminding me that there are lots of people waiting for this to be released.